Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Percée of Vin Jaune (EN)

La Percée du Vin Jaune
The 5th and 6th of February, there is a big festival in Arbois, a small village in the Jura region, where Vin Jaune (yellow wine) is produced. I went to this festival on the 6th. The festival was amazing and extraordinary. After arriving, you receive ten tickets for tasting (5 for vin jaune, 1 for macvin, 4 for red, white or crémant (similar to champagne)). I arrived at 9:30am. Starting from noon, you could taste some wines with the tickets. So, until noon, we walked around and we listened to some marching bands. Afterwards, we ate at a pizzeria (as always). Actually, we had not gone to the other pizzeria since the end of January.

Finally, it was time!
The vin jaune has a very distinct taste, but I thought it was delicious. Also, I really liked crémant, and the red and white wines that I tasted. Macvin essentially sucked, it was wayyyy too sweet.

To find the tasting stations, you could walk around the street, enter basements, or enter some stores. We saw a lot of drunk older people, and it was hilarious to watch them. Often, you’d see them walking around giving their extra tickets to younger people. I unfortunately was not so lucky as to be a recipient of such.

We left around 5pm by train. We had a fantastic time!

One of the marching bands

The bathroom (NYC!)

Wine bottle lights

Ô la vache (holy cow).

...still bizarre

- Matt Lipinski

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